Preston Pork

David mecoy, a.k.a “the pork guy,” pig farmer and founder of Preston ridge free range pork. mecoy boasts some of the best pork in the state, and he’s happy to tell you why.

Free range pork
takes dedication.

Preston ridge piggies roam the expansive fields as they please, helping themselves to fresh pasture from the land.

Clean pork

No artificial chemicals

No Processed grains

No hormones

this is for both our clients and the pig’s health. as a result, the pork has a unique flavour that’s slightly different with ever pig.

Healthy happy pigs, The only way it should be.

pigs are cleaver, eating bits of this and that to self medicate, keeping themselves healthy and happy. They are also cleaner than rumours suggest, preferring to sleep here, eat there, etc...

Freshly Packed

Ready to eat or freeze.

ready to order?
let's prepare it now.